Online Therapy
What is online therapy
Online therapy is both for couples therapy and family therapy as for individual systemic therapy. Online therapy using video calling is evidence based and has proven to be as effective as therapy on location. The platform we use complies with the current AVG norms.Your personal data are protected according to the applicable privacy legislation.
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The advantages of online therapy
- Online therapy saves time
- During online therapy you remain in your own trusted environment
- Online modules are available
- Personal contact is maintained
- Also suitable for people with autism
- Blended therapy: a combination of face to face sessions and online sessions
How does online therapy work?
The online therapy uses ZOOM for video calling with a range of different online modules and interventions. During the digital introductory meeting you will be further informed of how this works. Also, we will assess the situation with you and if all agree that online therapy could be effective, online therapy or live sessions or a combination of both, can de scheduled. During the therapy process there will be regular evaluations and, if necessary, adjustments in wishes or aims can be made.